School Leadership

Board Members

Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark
Very Reverend John J. Chadwick, S.T.D., Vicar General
Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, O.P., M.A., D.Min, Chancellor
Barbara Dolan, B.A., M.A., M.A., Superintendent of Schools

Board of Trustees 2023-2024

Steven J. Smith (AP '16) Chairman of the Board of Trustees

William Burke ’79 Vice Chair

Connor Briggs '15

Veron Browne '00

Robert J. Cavalero '04

Joseph Chiarello II '90

Robert Costello, Head of School, ex-officio (CP '24, '27, '28)

Danielle DeRosa, President, Parents' Guild (CP '24)

John Doddy (AP '10, '13, CP '23)

Bette Donofrio (AP '22)

Ted Dore (AP ’10, ’14)

Dimitri Drone '86 (AP '18, '21)

Peter Finn (AP ’18)

Most Rev. Elias R. Lorenzo, O.S.B., Regional Bishop for Union County

Michael McHale (AP ’15)

James McTernan (AP '19, '21)

William Mezzomo, Esq. (AP ’17, ’18)

Brian O'Dowd (AP '22, CP '25)

Robert Scirocco (AP '06, '07)

John Skinner (AP '15, '18, '21)

Carmine R. Urciuoli (AP '15)

Robert Vander Meulen (AP '11, '12, '14)


School Administration

Robert Costello, B.A., M.A., Head of School
Owen McGowan, B.A., M.A.T., Associate Head of School
Elizabeth DeMichino-Acquadro, B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D., Head of Upper School
Ashley Beneventine, M.S.W., LSW, CSSW, Head of Guidance & Special Services
Thomas Boniello, B.A., M.Ed., J.D., Director of Enrollment Management & Financial Aid
Marybeth Competelli, B.A., M.A., Director of College Counseling
William Crum, B.S. ('09), Director of Facilities
Kevin Donnelly, B.A., M.A, Director of Advancement
Christopher Gander, Director of Information Technology
J. Patrick Gist, B.A., M.A., Director of Athletics
William Martin, B.S, M.A., Director of Student Activities
Shannon Rafferty, B.A., Business Manager
Nick DelTufo, B.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Supervisor of Instruction